Monday, February 26, 2007

What the Runes have to say:

The stone is Merkstaved.
This may mean some delay in work or unexpected backing out of help. This may also mean you may have not received some inheritance that you were expecting. You may also develop a feeling of homelessness. You need to get a stock of the situation and stand on your two feet before you lose what you have.

The Question: Will the judge be fair in ruling?

Today I am scheduled to appear in court. My ex-lover who just so happens to be my landlord filed eviction papers. The situation is a bit complicated but some basic facts are as follows:

  • My ex and I were together for 7 years.
  • We have known each other for 15 years.
  • I do not deny or dispute that I have fallen behind on my lease.
  • I have never provided false information regarding my finances.
Comments regarding this issue welcomed.

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